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Warlock 05

by Matthias
(N j )

Hi I'm new to building an RC plane I was given a warlock 05 about 25 years ago. At the time I really had no interest but now that I'm home and confined I find myself building this plain and I'm very excited about it and the progress that I've been making but I'm finding a few missing pieces and the directions really aren't for an amateur so what I'm looking for is why would somebody wrapped this plane in as far as material thank you .

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Iron On Covering
by: rcdude07

Typically balsa built r/c planes are covered with some sort of iron on covering. Monokote and Ultracote are the two biggest brands. I think it may be harder to find Monokote now since the parent company of Ultracote bought out the parent company of Monokote a few years ago. You will also need an iron designed for this work and will help to also have a heat gun. There are plenty of tutorials on how to lay covering on the internet.

There may be other options that look more like fabric, but will be harder to iron on.

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