Servo for Remote Car Starter Throttle
by Bob
(Rochester, N.Y.)
I have a 1984 Towncar. I had a remote engine starter put on, but the engine will not start cold, unless you pump the pedal once to set up the throttle body.
I'd like to mount a servo and then connect it to the linkage. It would probably have to be a modified servo. I would like it to pull the linkage, as if the gas pedal had been depressed. Then I would need it to be able to reverse direction. I have to invent some type of mounting and linkage hookup. Not sure yet how much torque I need. I am completely new to servo's, transmitter, etc.
This should be a simple application, just used a few seconds a couple times a day in the Winter. One of the cheaper hand held transmitters would probably work, I'm guessing. Should only need 1 channel, if there is such a thing. Can you give me any advice on this. I will continue educating myself on the internet, will probably need to start visiting hobby stores.
Thank, Bob