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Frozen carburetor.

by Joseph Scarpelli
(Evansville, WI)

I'm trying to open and close the carburetor after it has been sitting for several years in the closet and as I try to open and close the carburetor with the throttle lever, the carburetor doesn't move! What do I have to do to make it open and close now?

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Frozen carb
by: Anonymous

Hi best way to open the throttle is use rubbing alcohol and a little bit of mistery oil let it set few hours then use hair dryer on it get it good and hot this will work.

complete cleaning
by: Anonymous

this is what I do... take the throttle lever off and then use a 3mm bolt or one that fits ...screw it in ... then put the carb in boiling water for about a minute .. pull it out with tongs ...pick it up with a leather glove and use a pair of pliers on the bolt... the barrel should pull out ... you should also unscrew the throttle stop screw.. before pulling the barrel... once out spray the inside and barrel with LA Awesome degreaser... clean the inside with a q-tip by gently twisting it.. cleanthed outside of the barrel with steel wool or a used piece of 600 w/d sandpaper ... I then lube it .. and use a piece of rubber tubing to blow through the fuel nipple.. oil the needle and wipe it down... you should be ready to go..

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