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Balence issue with p-51 D mustang from harbor freight

by Frank swanda
(Midwest city, ok USA)

My girlfriend bought me a p-51 D mustang harbor freight cheapy mega issue with nose weight. Won't taxi at all likes to drop the nose a break the prop. What is the best way to fix the cg issue and what size and style of static balance prop is suggested I move to so I don't have to order it from harbor freight?

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Not the best r/c plane
by: rcdude07

Sadly the Harbor Freight RC P-51 is one of the most horrible planes to get.

Do you have flying experience? Flying warbirds are a bad idea for a beginner. Warbirds in general will tend to nose over when taxiing, which requires advanced skill sets to prevent.

Old timer pilot
by: Anonymous

I have one. And hand launch it. Took landing gear off. Flew barely with the stock motor and battery. Need to fle fast.

Balance issue and bad torque roll
by: P51 H fan

I have a harbor freight P51 and added a 9 x 6 eflite 4 blade prop and have serious torque roll and also have problem getting it balnced.throws alot of air with prop and seems to have enough power to fly, anyone have any sugestions to remedy these problems ?

by: Anonymous

It is possible that the landing gear (wheels) on this plane can be installed backwards (front-to-back), which would cause the nose to easily tip forward at almost any provocation. The solution in this case is to remove the wheels from their mounted position and switch so they face closest to the front.

First plane
by: Anonymous

I tried moving the transmitter forward and putting the battery behind it. This centered the COG more over the middle of the wing which is where it should be. You will have to cut out a very small corner next to the transmitter and move the on/off switch as well (I put that on the inside).

Still working on the wheels issue. Bought a pair of larger skinnies for $7 and am planning on bending the metal so that the wheels are a little more on track instead of pigeon toed or vice versa. I'll see how that goes.

So far I've only taxied it but I agree with most forums in that the plane has some inherent faults.

by: Anonymous

Just figured the nose
Cone part out. Had just pushed the whole cone on to the axle and it wasn't quite balanced. After my first "crash" (broke a prop) the nose cone became separated from the inside piece which when screwed ion properly will balance the nose cone out when it is pushed on to the inside black piece. Smoother prop and more speed/power. Nose cone should fit snugly to the front of the plane and all the way against the prop. Yes I am a newbie and I hope that helps.

Big wheels came in the mail. Hole for wheel axle was too small. I'll drill it out tonite and keep posting.

Need help now
by: Greg

Bought plane. Comes with 600 mah battery. UPdated wheels, now large, moved battery pack backwards, 600 mah 8.4 cold nimh pack. Taxied plane, can get it up on two wheels, not quite airborne. Still having fun with it.

Latest upgrade, bought 700 mah 8.4 volt NiiMH battery pack, plugged it in, prop turns slowly, battery pack heats up, funny smell with power on and off. Still works with 600 mah battery pack. Just curious, what's the next step here. Some forums recommend lithium battery packs with higher voltage and ampage. What did I miss here

No lipo
by: rcdude07

I'd be surprised if the stock ESC can handle a lipo. Hopefully the smell is just dust but in off. If not, the motor is going south and will not last.

Flyzone 8 x .5 with 1/8 in clipped off each end and a 3 s I hook to a car battery to charge and 4 pennies I put in the nose for ballast. Prop shaft was bent when I got it cut the nose open to pull
by: Anonymous

Got mine at a garage sale ,pre crashed, cut the nose open to pull the motor to straighten shaft, flyzone 8x5.5 prop with 1/8 in clipped of both ends. Met hyd.batteries are fubar for power, I had a 3s .95 I think that fit. Charged it off a car battery, works ok if you watch voltage and avoid heat. No decent runway where I'm at so I hand launch..4 pennies in the nose fixed tail heavy issue..flys pretty decent and I am begginer 2.0...not for first time flyers.i moved elevator one hole faster and ailerons one hole slower.5 min epoxy and silver duct tape is your friend, wind isn't. Yes, I am at least 16 years of 64

Harbor Freight P51
by: Jim

I’ve had three of these and love them all. Stock out of the box this is not a beginner rc airplane. If you live at higher altitudes it is barely able to fly. I first flew mine from 6500 ft. It took constant full power to fly and after a few minutes the esc started smoking and caught fire then crashed. The airframe is so sturdy that it didn’t bother it much.

I quickly realized it needed some mods. First off 1. A brushless motor and esc. And appropriate prop size for weight of plane with battery. (Between 14.5 to 18.0 ounces). I bought a nice combo from rc timer for 20.00. 2. A lipo battery. I use a zippy 3 cell 1300 mah from Hobbyking. 10.95 each. 3. Toss the landing gear. It looks better in the air without them, like you have retract geer,and it lands easily on the belly without breaking an appropriate size prop or damaging the fuse. 4. 2.4 ghz orange receiver. 7.95. Hobby king. 5. You’ll need to cut out a good deal of foam to place the battery forward for balance. Note: A p51 needs to be somewhat nose heavy.

I did not have a clue how to balance mine after making these changes. Luckily I flew at a field in Albuquerque, New Mexico where Pat Trittle, a well known published master builder flew from. He told me how to balance a p51. He said. Place your battery temporarily across the middle of the wing inside the fuselage. Gently toss it in the air evenly. It will be tail heavy. ( the tail will fall first). Take quarters one by one and tape them on the top of the cowling on top of each other until the plane gently tips forward when you toss it up evenly. Turn it upside down and find the balance point on the wing. Mark the spot. Take the quarters off and move the battery forward till it balances. This method has worked perfectly for me many times. It all depends on the weight and placement of the motor and electronics so you can’t say the balance point is 2" from leading edge unless everyone uses the exact motor, motor placement, battery weight etc.

Your final product is totally worth it. It’s a great learning experience. It will fly great. , looks good and is extremely sturdy and durable. Then paint it in the color scheme of your choice. The part I love best about mine is when someone comes to me frequently and says "Wow, that plane flys great!! What brand is it, where can I get one? And I say, "HARBOR FREIGHT"!!!!

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